Steve explains:
This is an example of a galaxy that really needs a dark sky and my sky is anything but dark these days. The seeing was generally pretty ordinary too but I hope the resultant image (took many hours to process) is acceptable.
I incorporated some techniques from the new book by Rob Gendler: “Lessons from the Masters—Current concepts in Astronomical Image Processing”, which I would thoroughly recommend.
Catalogue and alternative designations NGC 300
Type Spiral Galaxy
Position 01 14.4, -73 17
Constellation Sculptor
Camera and Telescope STXL11002 and 36.8 cm Ritchey Chretien
Focal Ratio F9
Exposure Details LRGB 255:130:90:110 Luminance 1x1, Colours 2x2. Baader filters.
NGC 300 is a large (21.9' x 15.5') fairly low surface brightness spiral galaxy once thought to be part of the Sculptor group but now thought to be a foreground object. In general shape it somewhat resembles M33 in the northern hemisphere. The apparent magnitude is 9.1.

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